
Color Schemes

Colour Your World with Eye Pleasing Colour Schemes

The Right Colour Scheme Makes the Brand

Sometimes its easy to get 'designers' block and having colour palette tools to help you generate your colour palette is all the inspiration you need. A consistent colour scheme pulls together all the design elements to create a pleasing picture that’s easy on the eye, and attracts your readers’ attention. Whether you choose high-contrast complementary colours or a nuanced, minimalist monochromatic palette, find a colour scheme that suits your brand—and use it throughout your marketing material.

Your Go-To Top 6 List

Color Hunt
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Color Hunt is an open collection of color palettes. Color Hunt started as a personal small project built to share trendy color combinations between a group of designer friends. The collection scaled up and now being used daily by thousands of people.

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Coolors is a fast and easy tool that let you generate beautiful color palettes. You can either get one or more colors or generate an entire palette from a photo. Browse thousands of color schemes here.

Material Palette
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The Material Design color system can be used to create a color theme that reflects your brand or style. A primary and a secondary color are typically selected to represent your brand. Dark and light variants of each color can be applied to your UI.

Adobe Color CC
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Adobe Color is part of Creative Cloud. You can use your color themes in Adobe desktop and mobile apps through Creative Cloud Libraries or the Adobe Color service. Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations.

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LOL Colors is well laid out, simple, innovative, and inspirational. It has wonderful and creative color palettes, an advanced upvote system for color inspiration. Recharge your creative batteries with this beautiful website.

U.S. Team Colors
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U.S. Team Colors try to display the official colors following color schemes, but not all the information and color codes you find on this website are always up-to-date and some may be estimations. It is a reliable resource in North America.

Design ToolsPhotography

Any Suggestions?

Send your feedback to hello@softwarewagon.com

gift icon Credits: Logo - flaticon.com, Illustrations - undraw.co, Background - heropatterns.com